Source code for vent.gui.widgets.plot

import time
from collections import deque

import numpy as np
from PySide2 import QtCore
import PySide2 # import so pyqtgraph recognizes as what we're using
import pyqtgraph as pg

from vent.gui import styles
from vent.gui import mono_font
from vent.gui import get_gui_instance

A :class:`~PySide2.QtCore.QTimer` that updates :class:`.TimedPlotCurveItem`s

Update frequency of :class:`.Plot` s in Hz

[docs]class Plot(pg.PlotWidget): limits_changed = QtCore.Signal(tuple) def __init__(self, name, buffer_size = 4092, plot_duration = 5, abs_range = None, safe_range = None, color=None, units='', **kwargs): #super(Plot, self).__init__(axisItems={'bottom':TimeAxis(orientation='bottom')}) # construct title html string titlestr = "<h1 style=\"{title_style}\">{title_text} ({units})</h1>".format(title_style=styles.TITLE_STYLE, title_text=name, units =units) super(Plot, self).__init__(background=styles.BACKGROUND_COLOR, title=titlestr) self.timestamps = deque(maxlen=buffer_size) self.history = deque(maxlen=buffer_size) # TODO: Make @property to update buffer_size, preserving history self.plot_duration = plot_duration self.units = units self._start_time = time.time() self._last_time = time.time() self._last_relative_time = 0 self.abs_range = None if abs_range: self.abs_range = abs_range self.setYRange(self.abs_range[0], self.abs_range[1]) self.safe_range = (0,0) if safe_range: self.safe_range = safe_range self.setXRange(0, plot_duration) # split plot curve into two so that the endpoint doesn't get connected to the start point self.early_curve = self.plot(width=3) self.late_curve = self.plot(width=3) self.time_marker = self.plot() self.min_safe = pg.InfiniteLine(movable=True, angle=0, pos=self.safe_range[0]) self.max_safe = pg.InfiniteLine(movable=True, angle=0, pos=self.safe_range[1]) self.min_safe.sigPositionChanged.connect(self._safe_limits_changed) self.max_safe.sigPositionChanged.connect(self._safe_limits_changed) self.addItem(self.min_safe) self.addItem(self.max_safe) if color: self.early_curve.setPen(color=color, width=3) self.late_curve.setPen(color=color, width=3)
[docs] def set_duration(self, dur): self.plot_duration = int(round(dur)) self.setXRange(0, self.plot_duration)
[docs] def update_value(self, new_value): """ new_value: (timestamp from time.time(), value) """ try: this_time = time.time() #time_diff = this_time-self._last_time limits = self.getPlotItem().viewRange() current_relative_time = (this_time-self._start_time) % self.plot_duration self.time_marker.setData([current_relative_time, current_relative_time], [limits[1][0], limits[1][1]]) self.timestamps.append(new_value[0]) self.history.append(new_value[1]) # filter values based on timestamps ts_array = np.array(self.timestamps) end_ind = len(self.history) start_ind = np.where(ts_array > (this_time - self.plot_duration))[0][0] # subtract start time and take modulus of duration to get wrapped timestamps plot_timestamps = np.mod(ts_array[start_ind:end_ind]-self._start_time, self.plot_duration) plot_values = np.array([self.history[i] for i in range(start_ind, end_ind)]) # find the point where the time resets try: reset_ind = np.where(np.diff(plot_timestamps)<0)[0][0] # plot early and late self.early_curve.setData(plot_timestamps[0:reset_ind+1],plot_values[0:reset_ind+1] ) self.late_curve.setData(plot_timestamps[reset_ind+1:], plot_values[reset_ind+1:]) except IndexError: self.early_curve.setData(plot_timestamps, plot_values) self.late_curve.clear() except: # FIXME: Log this lol print('error plotting value: {}, timestamp: {}'.format(new_value[1], new_value[0]))
#self._last_time = this_time
[docs] def _safe_limits_changed(self, val): # ignore input val, just emit the current value of the lines self.limits_changed.emit((self.min_safe.value(), self.max_safe.value()))
[docs] @QtCore.Slot(tuple) def set_safe_limits(self, limits): self.max_safe.setPos(limits[1]) self.min_safe.setPos(limits[0])
# # def plot(self, *args, **kargs): # """ # Override method :meth:`pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.PlotItem.plot` to return :class:`TimedPlotDataItem` # # Add and return a new plot. # See :func:`PlotDataItem.__init__ <pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem.__init__>` for data arguments # # Extra allowed arguments are: # clear - clear all plots before displaying new data # params - meta-parameters to associate with this data # """ # clear = kargs.get('clear', False) # params = kargs.get('params', None) # # if clear: # self.clear() # # item = TimedPlotDataItem(*args, **kargs) # # if params is None: # params = {} # self.addItem(item, params=params) # # return item # # class TimedPlotDataItem(pg.PlotDataItem): # """ # Subclass of :class:`pyqtgraph.PlotDataItem` that uses :class:`.TimedPlotCurveItem` # # """ # # def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # super(TimedPlotDataItem, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # # # replace self.curve with timed version # # mimic __init__ from parent # # # self.curve = TimedPlotCurveItem() # self.curve.setParentItem(self) # self.curve.sigClicked.connect(self.curveClicked) # # self.setData(*args, **kwargs) # # class TimedPlotCurveItem(pg.PlotCurveItem): # """ # Subclass :class:`pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem` to update with a fixed frequency instead of whenever new data pushed # # Either creates or gets :data:`PLOT_TIMER` and connects it to :meth:`TimedPlotCurveItem.update` # """ # # # def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # super(TimedPlotCurveItem, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # # if globals()['PLOT_TIMER'] is None: # globals()['PLOT_TIMER'] = QtCore.QTimer() # # get_gui_instance().gui_closing.connect(globals()['PLOT_TIMER'].stop) # # self.timer = globals()['PLOT_TIMER'] # # stop timer, add ourselves, restart # self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update) # # try: # self.fps = float(globals()['PLOT_FREQ']) # except (ValueError, KeyError): # self.fps = 15. # # self.timer.start(1./self.fps) # # # # def __del__(self): # """ # On object deletion, remove from :data:`.PLOT_TIMER` 's signals # """ # #self.timer.disconnect(self.update) # #super(TimedPlotCurveItem, self).__del__() # # # def updateData(self, *args, **kargs): # """ # Override :meth:`pyqtgraph.PlotCurveItem.updateData` to omit call to :meth:`.update` # which is done by :data:`.PLOT_TIMER` # # """ # profiler = pg.debug.Profiler() # # if 'compositionMode' in kargs: # self.setCompositionMode(kargs['compositionMode']) # # if len(args) == 1: # kargs['y'] = args[0] # elif len(args) == 2: # kargs['x'] = args[0] # kargs['y'] = args[1] # # if 'y' not in kargs or kargs['y'] is None: # kargs['y'] = np.array([]) # if 'x' not in kargs or kargs['x'] is None: # kargs['x'] = np.arange(len(kargs['y'])) # # for k in ['x', 'y']: # data = kargs[k] # if isinstance(data, list): # data = np.array(data) # kargs[k] = data # if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or data.ndim > 1: # raise Exception("Plot data must be 1D ndarray.") # if data.dtype.kind == 'c': # raise Exception("Can not plot complex data types.") # # profiler("data checks") # # # self.setCacheMode(QtGui.QGraphicsItem.NoCache) ## Disabling and re-enabling the cache works around a bug in Qt 4.6 causing the cached results to display incorrectly # ## Test this bug with test_PlotWidget and zoom in on the animated plot # self.yData = kargs['y'].view(np.ndarray) # self.xData = kargs['x'].view(np.ndarray) # # self.invalidateBounds() # self.prepareGeometryChange() # self.informViewBoundsChanged() # # profiler('copy') # # if 'stepMode' in kargs: # self.opts['stepMode'] = kargs['stepMode'] # # if self.opts['stepMode'] is True: # if len(self.xData) != len(self.yData) + 1: ## allow difference of 1 for step mode plots # raise Exception("len(X) must be len(Y)+1 since stepMode=True (got %s and %s)" % ( # self.xData.shape, self.yData.shape)) # else: # if self.xData.shape != self.yData.shape: ## allow difference of 1 for step mode plots # raise Exception( # "X and Y arrays must be the same shape--got %s and %s." % (self.xData.shape, self.yData.shape)) # # self.path = None # self.fillPath = None # self._mouseShape = None # # self.xDisp = self.yDisp = None # # if 'name' in kargs: # self.opts['name'] = kargs['name'] # if 'connect' in kargs: # self.opts['connect'] = kargs['connect'] # if 'pen' in kargs: # self.setPen(kargs['pen']) # if 'shadowPen' in kargs: # self.setShadowPen(kargs['shadowPen']) # if 'fillLevel' in kargs: # self.setFillLevel(kargs['fillLevel']) # if 'fillOutline' in kargs: # self.opts['fillOutline'] = kargs['fillOutline'] # if 'brush' in kargs: # self.setBrush(kargs['brush']) # if 'antialias' in kargs: # self.opts['antialias'] = kargs['antialias'] # # profiler('set') # #self.update() # profiler('update') # #self.sigPlotChanged.emit(self) # profiler('emit')